Trycia Caric, CEO of Patrycia Caric Consulting, has worked hard her whole life to achieve her goals. She was never handed anything; she always had to study hard and follow through in order to reach the next level. She attended Yale University and began running successful businesses from the time she was 18. Patrycia has always had a passion for the health and fitness industry and has run several popular health clubs over the last decade. While doing so, she learned all of the ins and outs of the industry. From the day to day operations of managing a health club, to the constant upkeep of the equipment, Trycia knows her stuff. She also knows exactly what it takes to keep clients happy with the selection classes offered and even how to have the perfect décor, down to the right color on the walls that will provide both a soothing spa feel for those looking to relax and the right tone to motivate those looking to get into shape.
Being a woman in a male dominated industry is also no obstacle for Patrycia. Her experience has awarded her the confidence to be a strong leader in the industry. She has mastered the art of negotiation and knows how to lead with both a strong hand when needed and a compassionate touch too. As she manages and consults for other health club owners, she is able to teach them how to be strong leaders as well.
One thing that can be an obstacle for health club owners is that the area around Boston is extremely competitive and it can be difficult for a club to stand out in the crowd. Just walking down one block and a client will have dozens of clubs to choose from. A quick Google search will produce even more results. For this reason, many clubs will pop up but then fail quickly thereafter. Trycia however, has been able to set herself apart and thrive in the area, with each club being more popular than the last.
With her consulting company, Patrycia assists prospective club owners with getting their clubs up and running or existing club owners that want to improve their clubs or take them to the next level. Either way, Trycia knows how to help a club stand out and set themselves apart from the competition. She is dedicated to helping these health clubs see the type of prosperity that her popular health clubs always have. While Trycia preaches excellent customer experiences to club owners, she herself is providing that very thing to her clients. The feedback has already been highly positive. Clients are impressed not only by the superior client experience but also by Trycia’s knowledge and aptitude. Trycia will no doubt help many club owners with her consulting business, enriching lives and producing better communities along the way.
How did you get started in this business?
When I was just 18, I started a successful business in the health and wellness industry. When I started that business, I was really just trying to make money to support myself as I was attending college at Yale. Then I discovered that I actually had a real talent and I even enjoyed what I was doing. Ever since then I have studied to expand my expertise in the area, opened several successful health clubs, and then I started looking into ways to things to the next level. I was ready for a new venture, so I started Patricia Caric Consulting.
How do you make money?
I charge a fee based on the services I am providing. It will either be a onetime fee or sometimes a recurring monthly fee. I base the fees on current competitive rates in the industry and have clients sign a contract up front so that everything is clear from day one. I have always appreciated when things are up front and clear so I make sure to show that same respect to my clients.
How long did it take for you to become profitable?
I am projecting a profitable first year!
When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?
I haven’t doubted. I avoided such negative feelings by being more than prepared to take on this new venture. Being prepared has always helped me to avoid doubting myself. If I am taking on a venture that may be something new or something considered riskier, I always have a backup plan or two. I plan everything out and have the contingencies all planned and it makes me feel confident in the choice I have made. Preparedness trumps the doubts and fears.
How did you get your first customer?
Actually, it was my former competition! Switching from health club owner to consultant means that other health club owners that were once my competition are now my clients as they can hire me to come help them with their health club. I never had any bad feelings toward other health club owners of course, we are all just trying to help people better their lives, so there was no awkwardness when they gave me a call. I was very excited to help them spruce up their health club. Plus, it enriches the community as a whole and we all benefit from that.
What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?
Marketing through social media. It is very easy to find potential clients and engage with them if you take advantage of social media as a marketing tool for your business. You can buy ad space on there but there is so much you can even do for free by just engaging through content, comments, and direct messaging.
What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?
There was a time when I had to cut ties with a vendor, and it was a tough decision because they had been with me for a long time and in the beginning, they were amazing but then things started to change. It can be a tough decision but when a working relationship becomes stressful, it can be better for the both of you to make the choice to let them go.
What do you think it is that makes you successful?
I am an incredibly driven person. I will not stop until every detail is perfect. Not just perfect by any standard either but by my standard of perfect, I seem to be way harder on myself than anyone else. I think this all stems from the fact that I have always had to work extremely hard to get the things I have wanted in life. I developed an appreciation for working hard from a young age and also a habit of working hard as well. So that drive has stayed with me throughout my life and I have developed it into a strong work ethic and ambition.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Really, just every day that I would walk through the gym and talk with the customers and hear how happy they were with the business that I built. Knowing that I was responsible for the success and myself alone, that is satisfying. There is a misconception that health clubs are just about weight loss and that the weight loss is how you measure your success but that is not true. There are so many other transformations that are going on in the health club, mentally, emotionally, and physically. When I would have conversations with members about how they were feeling so much better and that their lives were improving, it would bring tears to my eyes knowing that I could support that. Now I can help other club owner have those moments and I am so excited for them to have those satisfying moments too.
What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?
I am very excited about the future of my consulting company; I have no doubts that I will be able to grow it into a monumentally prosperous business like my businesses in the past.
What business books have inspired you?
Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport and Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
I would tell myself that “No” is a complete sentence and that that is completely okay!
Are you willing to be a mentor? If so, how should someone contact you?
Yes, Connect via Social Media.