October 8, 2018 – Charleston, SC – Rory Brown delivers food criticism and lifestyle advice to a global readership spanning three continents. With bases in Charleston, SC, Hawaii, Sydney, and Lake Como, he provides sharp, well-researched analysis of current diet discourse while never missing an important restaurant opening. Mr. Rory Brown’s gastronomic philosophy is grounded in good food, good health, and good company.
What is most important to you when you critique a dish or restaurant?
Honesty. For some people, it’s hard to hear the truth, but still, it needs to be stated. With honesty, comes criticism too so being a food critic is not for the faint heart. I’ve had to deal with my fair share of hate mail or backlash from reviews I’ve written that didn’t favor a particular dish.
What separates you and your reviews from those of your colleagues? Do you have different areas of expertise?
I choose to focus on the meal. I find a lot of reviews that take into consideration the ambiance or atmosphere of an eatery. This affects a diners or food critics experience. For me, the food is what is most important, and that is what I choose to critique.
When you were starting out, was there ever a time that you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle it?
I was working as a freelancer in Charleston, SC, and I didn’t have a clear idea as to where my career was headed. An opportunity presented itself writing for a food blog, and things took off slowly, but surely. No, there was never doubt because I wasn’t sure what the end goal was at the time and how things were going to pan out. In general, my philosophy is to take things slow; one bite at a time.
Do restaurants know you’re coming?
They usually do not know I’m coming in to taste their menu. It’s all pretty anonymous. If they do find out though, there is nothing I can do about it.
What is your favorite restaurant?
That’s impossible for me to answer! I can say this—I’ve been lucky enough to travel and eat in many places around the world. Currently, I have bases in Charleston, SC, Hawaii, Australia, and Italy. I have homes in places where the food pulls me back. It’s all about local ingredients!
Do you eat out every night?
No! If I worked in an office, that would be like going to work from 9-5 and then going back around dinner time. Who wants to do that?
What books have inspired you?
“On Food and Cooking” by Harold McGee.