Mosé Jordan is the co-founder of Pioneer Your Dreams, also known as, PYDA. Pioneer Your Dreams Agency is an influencer and public relations agency that specializes in connecting established influencers with notable brands to run highly profitable campaigns. PYDA was founded in 2020 by Mosé and his co-founder because they were dissatisfied with the landscape of influencer marketing.

By leveraging the power of press releases, they ensure that brands are being positioned as thought leaders in their industry. Influencer marketing is another powerful way to reach target audiences. By partnering with the right influencers, PYDA helps companies tap into the existing audiences and gain massive exposure to new followers. Pioneer Your Dreams has quickly become one of the fastest growing influencer agencies because of its crazy, out-of-the-box campaigns that people remember. Today, Mosé has built a network of over 500,000 influencers who have worked with top brands like Snapchat, Apple, Under Armor, and Starbucks – to name a few.

Mosé recently helped a fitness app get more than 100,000 downloads with just one campaign. In line with the mission of PYDA, he has a goal to help 100 influencers pioneer their own dreams by helping them start their own companies in 2023. Before PYDA, Mosé found himself at a crossroads having to choose between furthering his career on the pathway to becoming a successful chef or leaving that career to explore his potential as an entrepreneur. He tells his story to inspire others who are at a crossroads of pursuing their dreams, so that they might find clarity.

How did you get started in this business?

I was always a hustler growing up. I became a sous chef at 21. Then, I had a choice. I had to choose between working with a chef who at the time in Vancouver was one of the top three chefs or I could follow my passion and go into business. So I took a gamble, invested in my education at British Columbia Institute of Technology, and met my business partner and we co-founded PYD Agency.

How do you make money?

The biggest thing every entrepreneur needs to understand is that in order to generate revenue you must solve a problem. The bigger the problem you solve, the larger potential you have to generate revenue. In the beginning of my business journey, I was very focused on solving problems. I would go up to people and just ask what marketing problems they were facing.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

It took the first six months of being in business before we made our first dollar.

When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?

There were times I doubted it. I don’t think my co-founder and I really ever told each other. I feel like we both individually knew when the other one was feeling down when times got tough. One thing we understood about each other is that we can’t both be down. We made a conscious effort that if one person was doubting, that the other person had to bring the other person up.

How did you get your first customer?

We went through a period of learning and experimentation before we found our golden ticket offer. We had a book of clients when we were trying to operate as a “jack of all trades”. We quickly realized that you can’t do everything. We had a client ask us to create TikTok content when TikTok was first gaining traction. We experimented with our strategies and we grew this client’s account quickly to over 20,000 followers. We took that case study and perfected it on larger scales.

What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?

Building a strong personal brand is a huge asset when it comes to your overall marketing strategy. You have to think about what someone is going to search to find you. And you have to control the narrative. Your personal brand will take you very, very far and we’ll also open you up to a lot of different things.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

We had to let go of our staff within four months of bringing them on. Our business had taken a different direction and we very quickly realized that we had to make a difficult decision. We helped our former team members get hired at other opportunities, which they’re all doing right now. It was a decision that required being honest with ourselves and not lying.

What do you think it is that makes you successful?

I have this delusional belief where as long as I’m alive and healthy, I can make anything happen. It might be something that I can’t even comprehend at this very moment, but I’m always moving towards the unknown.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

There have been many satisfying moments. Most recently, our mentor opened us up to an opportunity in a lane that we didn’t know that we could enter. That “aha” moment made everything that we’ve done up to this point worth it – and then some. To know that all of our hard work and delayed gratification are truly making a difference for these moments to happen make it so worth it.

What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?

Our agency has made some very strategic partnerships in the last three months. Right now more than ever, we put ourselves in a position to execute on a lot of the goals that we have. I’m very excited to see these goals come into fruition.

What business books have inspired you?

“$100M Offers” by Alex Hormozi. This book will teach you to build an irresistible offer. If you don’t have an irresistible offer, then you don’t have a business just yet.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Get a mentor. But first, you have to be ready for a mentor.

Are you willing to be a mentor? If so, how should someone contact you?

Yes! Feel free to email me at

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