Michelle Kurzawski went to college and studied nursing. She plans to go back to become a dental hygienist. The 24-year-old is also a certified International Sports Science Academy (ISSA) trainer, working on her certificate through National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). She currently lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.
Michelle Kurzawski was taking gymnastics classes before she was two. The sport quickly became a passion. She eventually went on to become a children’s gymnastics coach for several years. When she felt she couldn’t continue gymnastics, Michelle fell in love with the world of personal training. She was a personal trainer at an LA Fitness in Rhode Island when she decided that she was ready to pursue her own personal training business.
Michelle Kurzawsi knows she can help people reach their goals with fitness and nutrition, because she’s already seen it happen. She has the experience simply from a life of disciplined activity, to help others stay motivated to reach and maintain their own goals of fitness and nutrition.
How did you get started in this business and what inspired you to start this business?
When the time came that I could no longer participate in gymnastics due to injuries, I knew that I didn’t want to just coach from only my experiences. I was interested in knowing why we teach gymnasts and muscle memory the way that we do. I was also interested in the fundamentals of coaching.
Can you tell us something about the business you’re getting ready to launch?
This is geared towards changing someone’s lifestyle. The people that are wanting to lose weight, get fit, and be happy in their body. Someone with an old sports injury may come in and want to shape up, I can help them work around the injury, and even strengthen it. All while getting them to the point they want to be, health, and fitness wise.
How do you make money?
I’m currently working full-time as a Salon Coordinator. I manage the stylists schedules, as well as phones and emails. Of course, that is just until I open my business and personal training becomes my daily full-time job.
How long did it take for you to become profitable?
In my previous training position, it was about six months until I became profitable. I’m hoping to repeat that and I know that a reputation has to be built with new clients in order for this to happen.
When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work, and how did you handle it?
Well, from the trying to market yourself aspect, yes, I did. That can be tough to do sometimes. I have a really good support team that gets me through my rough patches. Being very self-motivated and knowing this is what I want to do, I just made sure to make it happen.
How did you get your first customer?
It was actually when I was working with LA Fitness, through somebody I met there. This lady was really having trouble losing weight and hitting her goals. We sat down and talked about things, for example, her diet and what she was doing, why it wasn’t working. We changed things up and she got really excited when she saw results start happening.
What is one marketing strategy besides referrals that you’re using that’s working really well to generate new business?
I use social media as much as possible. I use Instagram and post my own personal experiences. If someone is going through something similar, say struggling with fitness goals, they can reach out and connect with me.
What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months for your business?
The toughest decision I’ve made is probably still working full-time and trying to find time for marketing and opening the business. This business is my future and I need to dedicate more time to this business and my future.
What do you think makes you successful?
I’m very passionate, I believe in what I’m trying to do. I’m more excited than my clients sometimes because I see their results before they do at times. Knowing that my support team is behind me every step of the way should I need them for anything. It helps keep me grounded, too.
What has been the most satisfying moment in business?
When I see a client get excited and set new goals for themselves because they’ve seen their own results. They’ve seen what all their hard work has done and now they’re more motivated to go farther.
What does the future hold for your business, and what are you most excited about?
The future is very bright. I’m excited to see growth in the business, in myself and in my clients by helping them stay dedicated and motivated.
What books have inspired you?
Self-motivation books inspire me; I read a lot of those. I can’t think of any specifically right now, but the books that help keep you on track. Spiritual, guiding type books.
What is a recent purchase that you’ve made to help with your business?
Actually, it would be some home workout equipment. Some of the easier type of things, bands and light weighted stuff. It’s geared towards the moms or people who don’t have a lot of time, unless it’s during nap time or something like that.
Can you tell us about some of your volunteer activities?
When I was living in New Jersey I volunteered at an animal shelter. My family and I used to foster puppies, taking in five or six dogs on top of our own already. We did the potty training and some light obedience training.