Lena Esmail is the visionary CEO of QuickMed, a trailblazing healthcare organization dedicated to enhancing access to quality medical services in rural and underserved communities. With a robust educational background, including advanced degrees in nursing and healthcare management, Lena returned to her roots in Ohio to establish QuickMed. Under her leadership, the organization has integrated advanced practice providers and cutting-edge telemedicine to revolutionize local healthcare delivery. Lena’s commitment to community engagement and her innovative approach to healthcare have significantly improved the lives of many, earning her recognition as a transformative leader in the field. She is passionate about mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs and continues to drive initiatives that bridge gaps in healthcare accessibility and efficiency. Lena’s work not only exemplifies professional excellence but also her profound dedication to societal well being.

How did you get started in this business?

 I started in the healthcare industry fueled by a desire to make a significant impact in the community where I grew up. My journey began with a comprehensive education in nursing and healthcare management, leading me to the realization that there was a pressing need for accessible and efficient healthcare in rural and underserved areas. This inspired me to establish QuickMed, aiming to integrate advanced practice providers and telemedicine to improve healthcare delivery.

How do you make money?

QuickMed generates revenue through a variety of services including urgent care, primary care, and specialized in-school clinics. We bill for medical services through insurance providers and also offer affordable rates for uninsured patients. Our business model focuses on high volume and high efficiency, leveraging technology to reduce overhead costs and improve patient throughput.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

It took approximately three years for QuickMed to become profitable. The initial phase involved significant investment in technology and staffing, as well as building trust within the community to establish a steady flow of patients.

When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work?

Absolutely, there were several moments of doubt, especially when faced with the logistical challenges of implementing a new healthcare model and the slow pace of building patient volume. However, my belief in the necessity and potential impact of our services kept me pushing forward.

How did you get your first customer?

Our first customers were local residents who had heard about our services through community outreach programs. We hosted health fairs and informational sessions which helped us engage with the community and demonstrate the value of our services.

What is one marketing strategy that works well to generate new business?

One effective strategy has been community engagement. Hosting free health screening events and educational workshops has not only raised awareness of our services but also solidified our reputation as a community-focused provider. This approach has led to word-of-mouth referrals, which are incredibly valuable in building trust and expanding our patient base.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

One of the toughest decisions has been navigating the balance between expanding our services and maintaining the high quality of care during these times of rapid change, especially with the pressures of the ongoing public health challenges. Deciding where and how to allocate resources to maximize impact without overextending our capabilities was particularly challenging.

What do you think makes you successful?

I believe what makes me successful is my relentless focus on the mission to provide accessible, high-quality healthcare and my commitment to the community. My ability to empathize with our patients and understand their needs has also played a crucial role in shaping our services and operations.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

The most satisfying moment was when we were able to see the tangible results of our in-school clinics, where children received consistent care and health education. Hearing parents express their gratitude for the accessible care their children received was profoundly rewarding.

What does the future hold for your business?

The future of QuickMed looks promising with plans to expand our telemedicine services and explore new technologies that can further enhance our ability to deliver care. We are also looking at expanding geographically to reach more underserved communities.

What business books have inspired you?

I have found great inspiration and guidance from “The Innovator’s Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care” by Clayton M. Christensen.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to be patient and persistent. The road to meaningful impact is often long and filled with setbacks, but perseverance and focus on your core values and vision are essential.

Are you willing to be a mentor?

Definitely, I would love to mentor young entrepreneurs, especially those who are looking to make a difference in the healthcare sector. Sharing my experiences and insights to help others succeed and make a positive impact is something I find incredibly fulfilling.

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