Javid Javdani is a distinguished Doctor of Pharmacy and a seasoned entrepreneur based in San Diego, California. Born in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution, Javid relocated to the United States in 1982. After high school, he supported himself through various jobs, gaining early business insights at a car wash, a gas station, and in restaurants. These experiences laid the foundation for his strong work ethic and business acumen.

Javid pursued higher education at California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. He furthered his education at the University of the Pacific, obtaining a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 1994. His professional career began in earnest in San Diego, where he worked as a pharmacist before serving as the Director of Pharmacy at Kindred Healthcare for nearly 19 years.

Driven by entrepreneurial spirit, Javid ventured into the retail sector by acquiring a small grocery store catering primarily to the Persian community. He expanded the store’s offerings to include a diverse range of international products, significantly growing its customer base. His business now includes a restaurant and catering service, enhancing his role as a community provider.

Javid’s approach to business emphasizes community engagement, service, and direct customer interaction. His success is anchored in his ability to forge strong connections, adapt to market needs, and innovate. Outside of his professional life, Javid cherishes time with his wife and daughter, embodying his belief in the importance of family and community service.

How did you get started in this business?

My journey into the business world began with my roots in pharmacy. After obtaining my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of the Pacific and settling in San Diego, I was immersed in the pharmaceutical industry. However, my entrepreneurial journey took a significant turn when I learned about a small grocery store next to a potential pharmacy location, which was up for sale. Seeing this as an opportunity to serve the diverse community of Clairemont, I decided to purchase the store and expand its offerings beyond just the Persian community, eventually including a variety of international products.

How does your company make money?

As a multifaceted business owner, my role involves overseeing our revenue streams from the pharmacy, grocery store, restaurant, and catering services. In the pharmacy, revenue comes from the sale of pharmaceuticals and health-related products, while the grocery store profits from a wide range of international foods and goods that cater to various ethnic communities. The restaurant and catering business add another layer of income through food services and event hosting. My responsibility is to ensure that each segment operates efficiently, maximizes quality, and maintains excellent customer service to ensure repeat business and maximize profitability.

How does your company go about acquiring new customers?

Our strategy for acquiring new customers focuses heavily on community engagement and word-of-mouth. We rarely use traditional advertising; instead, we rely on grassroots marketing efforts that include participating in community events and collaborating with local religious and cultural organizations. This approach not only ingrains our business within the community but also builds trust and loyalty among our customer base. Additionally, by responding to direct customer feedback and adapting our product offerings to meet their needs, we continually attract new customers looking for a personalized shopping experience.

How did you work your way up in this business?

My ascent in the business world was a gradual process that began with foundational roles in various service industries, which taught me the importance of hard work and customer service. After becoming a licensed pharmacist, I worked in several pharmacy roles before becoming the Director of Pharmacy at Kindred Healthcare. Each position provided me with valuable insights into the healthcare needs of the community and the management of complex operations. These experiences were crucial when I decided to branch out into retail and hospitality, where I applied my knowledge of business operations and customer service to grow my ventures.

What made you want to work in this industry?

My inspiration to work in the pharmacy industry came from a deep-seated desire to help people manage their health and well-being. Witnessing the impact that knowledgeable health professionals can have on an individual’s quality of life inspired me to pursue a career where I could make a tangible difference. This motivation extended into my retail and food business ventures, where I saw an opportunity to meet a broader range of community needs by providing essential goods and services that celebrate and support the cultural diversity of the area.

What is it that you feel makes you good at your job?

I believe what makes me effective in my role is my commitment to the community, my hands-on management style, and my ability to empathize with customers. I’ve always prioritized direct engagement with my customers and staff, which helps me to understand their needs and expectations better. This approach allows me to adapt our services to better suit our customers and ensures that our businesses are not just commercially successful but also integral parts of the community. Additionally, my diverse background and experience in both healthcare and business enable me to manage multiple aspects of the company effectively, from strategic planning to day-to-day operations.

What are the perks of working in this type of business?

One of the primary perks of working in the pharmaceutical and retail industries is the direct impact you can have on people’s daily lives. In pharmacy, there’s the profound responsibility and reward of improving patient health and wellness. In retail, particularly in a community-focused store like mine, you experience the cultural richness of serving diverse groups and creating an inclusive environment for all. Additionally, these industries offer tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation, allowing one to directly see the results of their hard work and strategic planning.

What are the disadvantages of working in this field?

Working in the pharmaceutical and retail industries comes with its set of challenges. The hours can be long, especially when you’re managing multiple facets of businesses like a pharmacy and a grocery store. There’s also a significant amount of competition, which requires constant innovation and adaptation to stay ahead. Moreover, the responsibility of dealing with health-related products demands meticulous attention to detail and compliance with strict regulations, which can add an extra layer of stress and operational complexity.

What’s the most rewarding part of your work?

The most rewarding part of my work is seeing the tangible impact on the community. Whether it’s helping a patient understand their medication or seeing a customer’s delight in finding a product from their home country, these moments are profoundly gratifying. Additionally, being able to employ and support community members and watch as your business provides not just products but also jobs and opportunities for growth is incredibly fulfilling. Every day offers a chance to make a difference, and that drives my passion and commitment to my work.

Where is your industry headed? What excites you about the future of this line of work?

The pharmaceutical and retail industries are rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. Particularly exciting is the increasing integration of digital technology in pharmacy operations and retail management, such as through online ordering and telehealth services. There’s also a growing emphasis on personalized service and sustainability, which aligns with consumer expectations for more ethical and responsive practices. Looking ahead, I’m excited about the potential to further integrate these advancements to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency, making our services even more accessible and tailored to individual needs.

What advice do you give people who want to get into your field of work?

For those looking to enter the fields of pharmacy or retail, my advice is to first gain a solid educational foundation and then seek as much hands-on experience as possible. Networking with professionals in the industry can provide invaluable insights and opportunities, so don’t hesitate to reach out and learn from others’ experiences. Always stay curious and keep learning, whether through formal education or on-the-job training. Adaptability and customer focus are crucial in these ever-evolving fields, so cultivate these skills early in your career.

Are you willing to be a mentor? If so, how should someone contact you?

I am certainly open to mentoring individuals who are eager to learn and grow in the pharmacy or retail business sectors. Mentorship is a vital part of professional development, and I value the opportunity to guide new entrepreneurs. Those interested can reach out to me through my professional networking profile on LinkedIn or via email, which can be found on my personal business website. I look forward to connecting with motivated individuals and sharing my experiences and insights to help them succeed.

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