Grant Lawson of InventureX has achieved quite a bit of success in his life up to this point. Serving as a marketer, author, business consultant and success coach, he is currently a top crowdfunding expert and product development specialist.
Mr. Lawson has been able to identify a number of new products that work well as successful crowdfunding launches. He attributes his success to being able to have unique insights into branding, consumer psychology and certain types of strategy in business. All these insights have led to success and great opportunities for InventureX.
InventureX focuses on providing crowdfund marketing and launch programs for both inventors and entrepreneurs in general. Lawson is the lead crowdfunding strategist for the company. He has been able to set and meet not only individual goals, but goals for InventureX as well.
Before working for InventureX, Lawson received his education at the California State University, Northridge. He majored in Computer Science while at the university, graduating with a bachelor’s degree. Outside of work, he has a number of interests. He currently lives and spends a lot of his free time in Venice Beach. His current hobbies and interests include fitness and working out, writing and various coaching opportunities focused on entrepreneurship.
Coaching opportunities for Lawson are plentiful because he maintains the fact that sharing knowledge is an enjoyable experience. He constantly provides insight for those just starting out or just learning about crowdfunding and all the benefits to it. That’s why he was eager to sit down with and answer a few questions.
How did you get started in this business? What inspired you to start this business?
I really liked the idea of rooting for the underdog, if you will. A lot of people who use crowdfunding are doing so because this is their best avenue to make money with their business. If I can find a way to believe in them and make other believe too, they can reach their dreams.
How do you make money?
By helping out inventors and entrepreneurs trying to market themselves the right way when it comes to crowdfunding. A lot of people think you can just post a project online and watch the money roll in. There are a lot of business ideas and products that are great in theory, but overlooked because there are just so many ideas out there. I help companies stand out, and then we all profit from that.
How long did it take for you to become profitable?
Like any business, it takes a while to become profitable. You have to factor in our own marketing costs, after all. With that said, we tried to stay as lean as possible in other areas, so InvetureX started to see profit fairly early on.
When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?
I think doubt is something that we all feel at one point. Crowdfunding is built off of people who have heard the work “no” at least once, and likely multiple times. So believing in them does take so confidence, but it is worth it in the end.
How did you get your first customer?
When I told a friend that I was working in crowdfund marketing, they referred a friend of theirs to me. They were inventors in the process of launching a product, but they didn’t really know much about the process. I spent an extra amount of time on that one since I wanted to make a great impression. About $30K later (double their goal), I was fortunate to get a positive review from them.
What is a marketing strategy that you use that really helps to create new business?
Online marketing is huge, especially since people are usually selling their products online. It just seems like if you aren’t doing online marketing these days, you can easily be forgotten.
What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?
I actually had to turn down one entrepreneur looking for marketing help simply because I had too many projects already going on. Fortunately, I was able to refer them to someone else within the company, but I hate having to turn people who are just looking for some insight down.
What do you think it is that makes you successful?
My work ethic has always been strong. No matter what my focus is on, I work hard at it. I recently recommitted to really getting after it in the gym. Hopefully, I’m successful with that!
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
I think helping any individual exceed their initial crowdfunding goal is very satisfying. It shows myself that my methods work, but it also provides a general sign of accomplishment for those I work with. They are, in many ways, reaching a moment they dreamt of in the past.
What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?
Crowdfunding is a really great way to raise funds for a business idea or project. I think more and more people are realizing that in a crowded market, help is needed to stand out. That’s why as long as my entire company continues providing results, we should grow and grow.
What business books have inspired you?
I don’t get as much time as I would like to when it comes to reading. I did read “Crowdfunding for Social Good: Financing Your Mark on the World” about a year ago. Some of the stories detailed in that book really inspired me when it comes to work.
What is a recent purchase you have made that’s helped with your business?
I actually recently purchased a product that I helped market from a former client. They offered to give me it for free, but I refused. I wanted to buy it because it shows as a perfect example of what can be accomplished with InvetureX helping. It also is a very useful, well done product.
Any other tips with crowdfunding?
Just trust your idea. I work with a ton of entrepreneurs, and the ones who are confident tend to do the best.