Dr. Ashwini R. Anand grew up in the remote city of Mysore, India.  His first memory at the age of 5 is a conversation during which his parents told him that his first name “Ashwini” meant “Doctor to the Angels,” instilling within him the understanding that his life’s purpose was to heal mankind!

With every utterance of his name reminding him of his purpose to heal humanity, Ashwini excelled at his studies, scoring in the top 1% of his class.

In time, Ashwini immigrated to America, studying in Chicago where he pursued a residency fellowship at the prestigious Cook County Hospital and University.

How did you get started in this business? What inspired you to start this business?

The selfless example of service, demonstrated firsthand daily by my parents, who earned a modest income as caring, hard-working teachers, continuously reinforced within me that my Divinely appointed purpose in life was to serve humanity.

The people who live in rural Kentucky remind me of my humble beginnings, where good, hardworking, devout people of modest means can be helped and healed by those with the ability, compassion, and skill to help them.

It gives me great joy to be one of the select few, who have accepted this calling to be my life’s work…

How do you make money?

By providing much-needed cardiology care services to all who seek my expertise – with special emphasis on serving the poor & needy in rural Laurel, Clay and Pulaski counties in eastern Kentucky.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

It took roughly 6 to 7 years of extremely hard work & dedicated on-call services, during which time I was also on all night on-call for heart-attack patients at 3 local hospitals.

When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?

There were times when I started out that I was tempted to quit, due to many things: uncertainty over immigration, the continued stress of shift changes and lack of sleep, the concern over competitiveness in this industry while trying to establish an entrepreneurial practice with no prior business experience.

These doubts which assailed me were only overcome by the steadfast inner knowledge of my calling and purpose in life, and through resolute faith in God that had grown within me from my early humble beginnings, re-enforced daily by the example of parents who loved God, those around them, and me…

How did you get your first customer?

My first patients and opportunities to serve in my chosen profession came from hospital privileges at local hospitals.

What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?

Word of mouth from patients happy with the care they have received is always the best way to attract new patients who are searching for a specialist that cares.

This is especially true in rural areas, such as the three counties I serve, where only 20% of local residents have internet and e-mail, and where even fewer residents read newspapers.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

The toughest thing I have had to face recently is how to avoid Physician burnout!

Physician burnout is rampant like a plague amongst long-standing cardiologists.  Being on call for 10 days straight for STEMI (heart attack) calls, and serving in this capacity until the wee hours of the morning, while still operating a full-time cardiology practice, takes a toll on one’s physical and emotional health.

What do you think it is that makes you successful?

Compassionately and effectively using modern medicine to heal and serve those around me, all-the-while being grateful to God who has given me my life’s work, through which I have the opportunity to make such a difference in the life of someone who is sick!

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

To see a patient who was dying before I saw and treated them, go home happy to their loved ones and children after having been saved from the brink of disaster…

What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?

I am excited about the innovations and discoveries in medicine, bringing even more effective treatment methods, diagnostic tools, and means of healing to patients as our technology and understanding progresses!

These advances enable me to be more effective as a healer, and thus they make the experience of my life’s work in serving others through the practice of medicine more rewarding and fulfilling.

 What business books have inspired you?

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Rich Kid Smart Kid by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

What is a recent purchase you have made that’s helped with your business?

Amazingly, what has helped me with my business most recently is having bought and read the following books:

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson

Inner Engineering: a Yogi’s Guide to Joy by Sadhguru

How do you keep from being burnt out & fatigued?

Through the study and practice of Yoga and meditation.  Through exercise.  By reading spiritual books authored by Sadhguru, and Jaggi Vasudev.  By taking frequent nature trips, and by pursuing interests and hobbies in my spare time such as bird-watching, travel, photography, and tennis.


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