Christophe Van Harvard is an intuitive guide with years of experience in the industry. He discovered his talents during his formative years and used them on his family and people in his close circle to help guide them. He is strongly passionate about helping others out and using his ability, decided to reach out to more people, hence beginning his journey as a guide. Mr. Van Harvard founded Van Harvard Guide Programs in 2021 which has been immensely successful as an online resource, and he is currently working on a second guide.

Christophe is naturally gifted with the ability to help people manage fear and anxiety, relieve stress and has used his ability to help many identify and reach their purpose. His services are inclusive and he caters to clients coming from different walks of life. They come from different social and economic classes, different educational backgrounds, and age groups. Aside from his talent, he incorporates a range of ancient techniques and divine wisdom into his practice as he guides his clients towards the clarity they seek. He creates an environment where his clients feel safe to open up and share their experiences with them and interact with others facing similar circumstances. These encounters help them learn from each other and draw strength from each other’s experiences. Through these sessions, many of them have discovered hidden talents and abilities as well as the strength to conquer the things that stand in their way. He has helped difficult teenagers take control of their lives and find their purpose. Many of them have transformed from negative behavior such as crime, delinquency, and truancy to having a clear purpose and changing their lives. Some have even excelled in their education going on to graduate from university with others using their natural talents to create art, run businesses and become productive members of society. He has also helped professionals find their true calling and devote their lives to the things they are passionate about. Some have moved on to set up businesses, identifying their skills and natural talents and finding positive ways of handling the stress and anxiety that comes from work, parenting, and other areas of their lives.

Where did the idea for your book come from?

The idea came from my natural talents as well as my passion for serving others. As an empath, I felt weighed down by all the burdens that people carried and the fact they led unhappy lives ridden with stress and anxiety. I set up the consultancy to help guide them to their true purpose and to help them find joy in life.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day for me starts with meditating for about an hour once I get up. It helps to give me the clarity to forge the day and has tons of mental and physical health benefits. I then make and have my breakfast which is important to me because food plays a big role in our lives. I’m very conscious about what I eat and I take the time to enjoy my meals. I then shower and leave to attend to my clients. I make my day productive by starting each day with clarity and a plan so I know where I need to be and what to do.

How do you bring ideas to life?

By taking action. I like to write down every idea that comes to mind and go through them once I get the chance. I always ask myself what impact the idea could have on my life and in others’ lives. Will it help me or someone grows or become better or will it have negative effects. After this, I take action towards making it happen with a clear conscience and vision.

What is something unique you are excited about?

Astrophysics is one of the most exciting concepts for me. While it has been around for ages and passed down from ancient to middle ages and now catching up with the technological era, people are just now beginning to embrace it. It’s complex and deep and can help us understand ourselves, our environment, the universe, and others in great depth.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

I prioritize my tasks and tackle the most important ones first. As a morning person, I’m most productive early in the day so that’s when I handle the more challenging high-priority issues. Once those are out of the way and done perfectly then I can focus on other matters that don’t require as much concentration or time. This also affords me the freedom to enjoy a healthy social life.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to embrace who I am and make the most of my abilities. Growing up, I tried to hide my intuitive nature because I felt it made me the odd one out. It made me stick out when all I wanted was just to fit in. Things would have been much easier had I just embraced my talent and run with it. Finally, I ended up doing what I was always meant to do after putting myself through a lot of unnecessary stress.

That it’s more important to be happy and content than to be wealthy. Everyone has bought into the idea that being busy working round the clock and being wealthy is the ultimate goal. I think that being content with what you have is important because you have all you need and you can therefore lead a simple, stress-free life.

As an author, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

I ensure each of my clients has a memorable experience. By loving my services, they come back and refer others and the cycle never ends. This helps my consultancy grow and I am satisfied knowing that I’m able to offer my services to tons of people out there who need them.

What is one strategy that has helped you grow your book and client base?

I take on a very personalized approach with my clients and everyone has a different experience. The nature of my services requires me to handle each case individually to ensure my clients have the best outcome. I also offer holistic services which help my clients nurture and improve their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.

What is one failure you had as an author, and how did you overcome it?

I didn’t take my business seriously at first and therefore no one else did. When I started out, I didn’t have a vision besides helping people. I didn’t have a solid plan on how to provide my services, how to reach out to people, and had no idea how to package and monetize my services. I had to learn from experience and through reading books and from other entrepreneurs and applied those lessons to get to this point.

What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

I think there’s a lot of room in the service industry to help people manage stress and live healthier lives. As the world gets more competitive, people are bound to have more pressure, urgency and anxiety. Services to help ease their lives such as counseling are a sure bet.

What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

I spent it on wholesome healthy food and spices. Having healthy meals is the key to long healthy lives.

What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

I would say Zoom.  I am able to reach new clients, and can comfortably offer my services at any time, from anywhere.

What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This book has been great in helping me understand how much power I have in me and that my success is in my hands. I have learned some great manifestation techniques from the book which have been very resourceful in helping me achieve my objectives. It helped me foster a positive attitude and manifest great things into my life and I think everyone needs to know these techniques.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is “The universe is not punishing you. It is not blessing you. It is responding to your vibration. Think happy thoughts and happiness will come to you. Think negatively and negativity will come to you. What we put out into the universe, we get back like an echo” by Abraham Hicks.


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