Billy Jennings is the Founder of AudEarn. His journey is a testament to the organic growth that arises from diverse skill sets, expansive networks, and a commitment to excellence. Triggered by a surge in inquiries from contacts in the music and television industry seeking assistance with diverse aspects, such as running ads or creating marketing funnels, Billy found himself in a role akin to a middleman and point guard. His career trajectory unfolded organically, driven by the increasing demand for his consultancy in the entertainment industry. While his initial intent did not involve the establishment of a structured venture, the recognition of the value in his expertise led to the launch of AudEarn.

How did you get started in this business?

In the journey of building my career, I’ve found that exploring various avenues, acquiring diverse skills, and expanding my network have been key components. It wasn’t a predetermined plan that led me to where I am today; rather, it unfolded organically. As I engaged with different pursuits, people began seeking my advice consistently. This continuous demand eventually prompted me to realize the value of my expertise. While my initial intent wasn’t to establish a structured venture, the passion for assisting others became the driving force behind its inception.

I informally launched AudEarn approximately a year ago, prompted by a flood of inquiries from friends in the music and television industry seeking assistance with various aspects like running ads or creating social media assets. Acting as a middleman and point guard for numerous industry contacts, I found myself overwhelmed, offering my services for free and feeling increasingly burnt out. Realizing the need for a more structured approach, I began refining my focus towards the end of 2023. This led to the development of a framework within AudEarn, allowing me to provide more effective and targeted support to individuals within the industry.

How do you make money?

I offer various levels of service to support artists. My favorite aspect of AudEarn is addressing a gap I’ve observed in the industry—many individuals with substantial audiences lack a clear strategy for effective monetization. Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with a range of artists, witnessing their transition from success to performing in large venues. Initially, my role was flexible, offering to assist with anything the artists needed, but over time, I refined my approach. Now, working on a monthly retainer basis, I provide consultancy services tailored to the specific needs of each artist. Being part of a dynamic, talented, and hardworking team has given me valuable insights into the operations of a successful record label. My goal with AudEarn is to leverage this experience and knowledge to benefit others in the industry.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

In this industry, my journey towards financial stability was far from immediate; if anything, it started with numerous challenges. However, when it came to actually earning money, I had to navigate through a series of free trials and demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategies I was implementing. While the concepts weren’t necessarily rocket science, they were relatively new, and understandably, no one wanted to be the guinea pig. Building case studies and showcasing tangible results became essential in proving the efficacy of my approach. Now that the success of these methods is evident, the process of securing payments has become significantly smoother.

When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?

Absolutely, without a doubt. To be honest, I’ve explored every avenue, from touring with artists for a meager $200 a week despite student loans, to attempting dropshipping, SEO, video editing, and even shooting a music video in Atlanta. The journey has been marked by financial challenges, strained relationships, and moments of self-doubt. However, it was crucial for me to cut my teeth, identify my true passion, and wholeheartedly pursue it. Despite the hardships, I’ve always embraced the struggle as an essential part of the human will to persevere. Moving forward, I remain committed to facing challenges head-on and continuing to embrace the journey.

How did you get your first customer?

My inaugural client for AudEarn was a friend named Ryan, an artist from Maine known as Spose. He holds a special place as the first musician who took a chance on me, paying for my services years ago. To kickstart AudEarn, I approached Ryan, who boasts a robust fan base with over 100,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and a substantial following on Instagram. Seeking to use his success as a case study, I reached out to him, and the collaboration turned out to be incredibly successful. Since then, I’ve been leveraging the positive outcomes from our work together to connect with other artists. By showcasing the impressive results we achieved with Spose, I aim to demonstrate the value AudEarn can bring to individuals with larger audiences, surpassing even the notable figures in Spose’s fan base.

What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?

The core of my approach is centered on over-delivering and ensuring accessibility. I believe in the principle of not over-promising and under-delivering, as it tarnishes one’s reputation. My strategy revolves around seizing even the smallest opportunities and making myself indispensable. If given a chance, I aim to excel to the point that the decision not to continue working with me seems illogical. I see every opportunity as a pathway to establish a long-term relationship. I aspire to be the go-to person in times of crisis or when rolling out significant projects. I want to eliminate any doubt about who should be called, solidifying my position by going above and beyond and delivering exceptional results.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

Running was a successful venture where I sold high-quality products, generating a substantial side income of over seventy thousand dollars last year. Despite the financial success, I faced the challenging decision of shutting it down as it began consuming too much of my time. Acknowledging that the website was meant to grant financial freedom rather than become another full-time job, I decided to prioritize my initial goal and closed the business. It was a tough call, but I felt the need to regain control over my time and energy.

What do you think it is that makes you successful?

My biggest fear is being in the same place, six months or a year from now. Witnessing friends, peers, or anyone not reaching their full potential bothers me. Personally, I have goals and aspirations that can only be achieved if I give everything 120%. So, I’m honest with myself, realizing that the only way to get there is by creating the energy and fuel internally. It’s all about self-reliance for me.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

The journey from working with small artists, performing in front of four people in Milwaukee, to collaborating with artists who sell out Madison Square Garden has been a profound experience. I vividly remember freezing in a minivan for $200 a week, dreaming of larger stages and figuring it all out. This past summer marked a significant full-circle moment when we had a sold-out show at Madison Square Garden. The appreciation and acknowledgment from people that night, dapping me up and expressing their gratitude, were incredibly rewarding. It’s a testament to the dreams I once had while touring with smaller artists and enduring the challenges, making the journey to larger stages all the more meaningful.

What does the future hold for your business? What are you most excited about?

What excites me the most is the dynamic nature of marketing. It’s an ever-evolving field where strategies need to adapt to changing audiences and preferences. The fluidity of marketing keeps me on my toes, ensuring that I stay updated on the latest trends and innovations. Working with a diverse range of people allows me to gain insights into what strategies are effective across the board. This broader perspective is invaluable, as it enables me to apply successful approaches from one context to another. Staying on top of the latest trends in technology and advertising is key to remaining effective in the fast-paced world of marketing.

What business books have inspired you?

One book that I highly recommend to listeners right now is “100 Million Dollar Offers” by Alex Hermozi. It’s a quick read, taking only a day or two, and the principles outlined in it can be directly applied to drop servicing. The brilliance of the book lies in its simplicity, making complex concepts accessible even at a ninth-grade level. It’s beginner-friendly yet filled with genius ideas that can significantly impact entrepreneurs, making it a must-read.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

If I could advise my younger self, I would emphasize the reality that a significant portion of the journey will be challenging. Working in silence without immediate recognition or financial gain will be a part of the process. It’s essential to understand that degrees, past affiliations, or other credentials won’t automatically garner attention or success. I’d tell myself that the need to showcase achievements to others won’t lead to fulfillment; true happiness comes from serving others and witnessing positive impact. The key is to focus on personal growth, maximize potential, stay positive, and persist even when faced with challenges. It may sound cliché, but these principles hold true in the pursuit of meaningful success.

Are you willing to be a mentor? If so, how should someone contact you?

You can reach me through my website,


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