Amanda Totchek is an accomplished entrepreneur and advocate for holistic health, based in Edmonton, Alberta. Founder of BareSkin & Health Studio, Amanda specializes in plant-based skincare and comprehensive wellness solutions. She also operates HotMess Handiwork, where she crafts moccasins and provides teeth whitening services. With a background spanning law, accounting, and real estate, Amanda integrates her diverse expertise into her business ventures, emphasizing community engagement and ethical practices. She is actively involved in community service, organizing charity events and advocating for health and legal education. Amanda’s dedication to blending business success with social responsibility has earned her recognition as a community leader. Her passion for holistic health and community well-being drives her ongoing efforts to educate and inspire through various speaking engagements.

How did you get started in this business?

I began my journey in the wellness and beauty industry by founding BareSkin & Health Studio, which focuses on plant-based skincare and holistic health solutions. My transition from working in law and accounting to entrepreneurship was driven by a passion for holistic health and a desire to create something meaningful that aligns with my values of wellness and community service.

How do you make money?

My revenue streams are diversified between my skincare studio, BareSkin & Health Studio, and my crafts business, HotMess Handiwork. At the studio, we make money from services like facials, laser treatments, and holistic health consultations. HotMess Handiwork generates income through the sale of handcrafted moccasins and teeth whitening services.

How long did it take for you to become profitable?

It took about three years to reach profitability with BareSkin & Health Studio. Building a customer base and refining our service offerings took time, but focusing on quality and customer satisfaction helped us turn a profit and sustain the business.


When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work?

Absolutely, there were many times I doubted it would work, especially during the initial phase when the client base was still growing, and the financial pressures were mounting. However, my belief in the importance of holistic health and my commitment to making a positive impact kept me going.

How did you get your first customer?

My first customer came through word of mouth. I started by offering free workshops on skincare and wellness in my local community, which helped spread the word about my studio. My first paying client attended one of these workshops and booked a consultation afterwards.

What is one marketing strategy that works well to generate new business?

One effective marketing strategy has been hosting community wellness events. These events not only promote our services but also demonstrate our commitment to community health and well-being, which attracts clients who share our values.

What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?

The toughest decision was choosing to temporarily close the studio during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a hard choice but necessary for the safety of our clients and staff. We used this time to enhance our online presence and prepare for a safe reopening.

What do you think makes you successful?

I believe what makes me successful is my genuine passion for what I do and my commitment to the community. Balancing profitability with purpose and maintaining a strong ethical foundation are key elements that resonate well with our clients and contribute to our success.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

The most satisfying moment was when we received feedback from a client who told us how our holistic health approach dramatically improved her quality of life. Knowing that we can make such a positive impact is incredibly fulfilling.

What does the future hold for your business?

The future looks promising with plans to expand our service offerings and possibly open additional locations. We’re also looking into enhancing our digital presence to offer online consultations and workshops, broadening our reach beyond the local community.

What business books have inspired you?

“Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown has profoundly impacted my approach to leadership and business

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to worry less about following a conventional path and more about pursuing what truly matters to her. Embrace your unique vision, stay resilient, and remember that every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Are you willing to be a mentor?

I am always open to mentoring young entrepreneurs, especially women in non-metropolitan areas. Sharing my experiences and helping others navigate the challenges of starting and running a business is something I find deeply rewarding.

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