Ali Mayar is a successful businessman based in Long Island, New York. He is the CEO of Platinum Rapid Funding Group, a business that offers working capital for small to mid-sized companies and professionals. On top of being a entrepreneurial success, Ali Mayar has gained a reputation of being a mentor for his staff of employees. Ali Mayar and his management team at Platinum Rapid Funding Group have over twenty-five years of combined experience working along side small business owners, helping with their financial transactions, as well as other business needs.
Aside from his business ventures, he is very passionate about spending time with his family and friends. His personal interests include a love for music, an intrigue for the inner workings of the business world, and additionally, an interest in the automotive realm.
He is quick to share the many entrepreneurial tips he has acquired through the many years he has been doing business. Ali Mayar has a real desire to motivate not only his team, but himself on a daily basis, through sharing inspiring articles and videos. It is this kind of constant self-motivation that has caused Ali Mayar to reach the highest levels of business success throughout his illustrious career.
Just recently, Ali Mayar announced his business, Platinum Rapid Funding Group, is expanding into new open spaces in their current office building. He has helped many people over the years grow their businesses, and he is showing no signs of slowing down that exact same process for his team and himself.
How did you get started? What sparked this business idea?
I have always wanted to help people reach their goals when it comes to business, so starting Platinum Rapid Funding Group made complete sense to me. Being able to create funding solutions, whether traditional or innovative, has always been one of my passions, thus the birth of Platinum Rapid Funding Group.
How do you make money?
We provide businesses of any size not just the funding, but the experience of our professional team to help stimulate the growth of their company. Our business philosophies have a large focus on honesty and customer service, which is why so many businesses have had healthy growth by working with us.
How long did it take to get your business into the black?
It wasn’t too long of a time period. Success in business really comes from a relentless work ethic, and strong belief in yourself as well as passion for what you are doing. With those things in mind, we were able to start helping businesses right out of the gate.
When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?
I wouldn’t say there was a time where I ever doubted Platinum Rapid Funding Group would be successful. As stated in my previous answer, success is derivative of an outstanding confidence in ones self, and of the team your surround yourself with. If I were to have doubted myself, I wouldn’t have been true to who I am. With that said, the greatest lessons in business come from our failures, so I go into every business scenario with a positive attitude.
How did you get your first customer?
By reaching out and explaining our services to those we thought could benefit from it. Our goal is to build long-term partnerships with different companies, and I think that stands out with business professionals.
How are you marketing your business? What strategy works best?
Having a great website is important. If you have a great business model, but your website looks like something out of the late 90s, people will not take you seriously even if their potential business is referral based.
Is there a trend in your industry that particularly excites you right now?
I would say a trend in the industry that excites me right now is the growing amount of entrepreneurs that seem to pop up constantly. I think it was hard for businesses a couple years ago, and many people might have been deterred from start-ups etc. But you see more and more people unafraid to start their own businesses and really follow their passions. It is a very inspiring thing to watch.
What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?
I wouldn’t say it was necessarily a tough decision, but Platinum Rapid Funding Group has decided to expand into more office space in our building, the RXR Plaza in Uniondale, New York. It is nice to know that a business that helps other companies grow is able to do the same for themselves. This is going to give us a really great opportunity to help even more companies in the future.
What do you think it is that makes you successful?
I know I have mentioned sentiments of this already, but I really believe I am successful due to the belief in myself, and in our team. I heard early on that you are only as successful as those you surround yourself with, and I think there is a great quality of truth to that statement. Work ethic is also a key factor to success, but you don’t want to put yourself in a situation where work consumes your life. There is probably a combination of many clichés you have heard before, but I would mostly attribute those qualities to my success.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
I cannot really pinpoint one moment, but instead many moments. Any time Platinum Rapid Funding Group is able to help a business succeed and grow I find great satisfaction. We don’t intend on stopping any time soon, so I’m positive those moments of satisfaction will continue.
Tell us about one of your hobbies when you’re not working.
Well, my greatest non-working passion would have to be my love for music. Also, I enjoy cooking, fine dining, talking shop with auto enthusiasts, and spending time with family.
Any advice you would like to give to young entrepreneurs?
Sure! Make sure that whatever industry you are going to get into; you have a great passion for it. I have seen people with skill sets that set them up for success, but they didn’t love what they did and eventually saw failure. On that note, never believe you will fail, but if you do, refuse to let it smoother your dreams. Failure is a step that all successful people have to go through no matter what. If you learn from your failures, your chances of achieving your goals will increase greatly.