What made you want to do the work you do? Please share the full story.

I started out as a typical college kid looking for a little independence and flexibility. Virtual assisting seemed like the perfect fit. I loved the variety – from helping a dog trainer find their perfect client to diving deep into the wild world of tech startups. That’s where the magic happened. I saw firsthand the struggles these early-stage companies faced and knew I had to do something to help. ProResourceCentral was born out of that passion to support entrepreneurs and give them the tools they need to succeed.

Tell us 3 surprisingly easy and 3 surprisingly difficult things about your job.

Surprisingly Easy:

– Connecting with other entrepreneurs: It’s incredible how effortlessly you can bond with others who are also building their own businesses. There’s a shared enthusiasm and understanding that makes forming connections feel natural.
– Learning new things: The startup landscape is always changing, so there’s a constant stream of new things to learn. It’s like an ongoing education that keeps you on your toes.
– Staying motivated: Being around passionate founders who are creating something from the ground up is truly inspiring. Their energy is infectious!

Surprisingly Difficult:

– Saying no: With so many exciting opportunities out there, it’s hard to prioritize. It can be tough to turn down good ideas when you’re passionate about helping startups. And also receiving Nos from prospects.
– Balancing work and life: The demands of the startup world can be intense, making it easy to get swept up in the hustle. Carving out time for yourself and loved ones can be a real challenge.
– Managing expectations: Startups often work with limited resources, so setting realistic expectations and communicating them clearly is crucial. Navigating this can sometimes be a bit tricky.

What are the 3 things you like best about your work and why?

Bringing Entrepreneurs Together: One of the most fulfilling aspects is bringing entrepreneurs together to support each other and watching their ideas evolve into thriving businesses. It’s amazing to witness the growth and transformation from a mere concept into something impactful.

Learning Every Day: The dynamic nature of the startup world means there’s always something new to learn. I enjoy the constant flow of challenges and the chance to come up with innovative solutions.

Building Relationships: Connecting with passionate entrepreneurs is one of the highlights of my work. These connections go beyond professional boundaries; they often turn into meaningful personal relationships.

What are your greatest 3 skills and how have they helped you succeed?

Adaptability: The startup world is always changing, and being able to roll with the punches has been crucial. Whether it’s responding to new market trends or tackling unexpected hurdles, being adaptable has helped me stay on course and thrive in this ever-evolving environment.

Quick Learner: Things move fast in the startup world, and staying on top of the latest technologies and trends is a must. Being a quick learner has enabled me to grasp new concepts and tools quickly, making it easier to support startups with the most up-to-date knowledge and strategies.

Embracing Risk: Starting and growing a business is inherently risky, and I’ve learned to embrace that uncertainty. By taking calculated risks, I’ve been able to discover new opportunities and push the boundaries. While not every gamble pays off, those that do can lead to incredible breakthroughs and growth.

Tell us about a time you were dead wrong about something.

There was this one time I was absolutely convinced that a startup I was working with needed to change its business model to succeed. I was sure their current approach wasn’t going to work in the long run and was all for pushing a new strategy. But after diving deeper into market research and really listening to customer feedback, it turned out that their original model had way more potential than I gave it credit for.

What I thought was a weak spot actually turned out to be a niche market with a super loyal customer base. If we’d gone with my suggestion, we might have missed out on that entirely. I’m so glad we caught it in time. It was a real eye-opener and a reminder that sometimes, you just have to listen to what the market and your customers are saying before jumping to conclusions.

What is the biggest challenge you face each day and how do you handle it?

Just like a lot of people in this fast-paced world, I struggle with imposter syndrome. You know, that nagging little voice that makes you second-guess your skills and achievements? It sometimes sneaks in and makes me wonder if I’m really qualified or experienced enough for what I’m doing. But over time, I’ve found ways to deal with it. I try to focus on what I’ve accomplished so far, lean on mentors for support, and remind myself that everyone goes through these moments of doubt. The key is to push through those feelings and keep growing and learning.

What is a habit you try to stick to and how has it helped you?

I’d say levelling up my skills. The startup world is a fast-paced arena, and if you’re not constantly learning, you’re falling behind. It’s like a video game; you need to keep upgrading your character to conquer new challenges. This habit has been instrumental in staying ahead of the curve and delivering top-notch support to our clients.

How do you celebrate your victories?

For me, a well-deserved vacation is the ultimate reward. It’s a chance to recharge, explore new places, and come back refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges. It’s a balance I strive for – hard work and play!

What is your favorite movie and why?

Parasite. It is an absolute cinematic masterpiece. Bong Joon-ho’s ability to blend dark comedy, social commentary, and suspense is unparalleled. The film’s exploration of class disparity and the lengths people will go to survive is both thought-provoking and deeply unsettling. It’s a movie that stays with you long after the credits roll.

What advice would you give to your younger self and why?

Be Yourself, Find Your Tribe. Looking back, I’d tell my younger self to embrace individuality. It might sound cliché, but being true to yourself is the key to finding your people. Don’t try to fit in; focus on building authentic connections. It’s those genuine relationships that will support you throughout your journey.

Who has been your biggest mentor in life (personal or professional) and how have they helped you?

Michael Rosenberg, the Managing Partner at Limitless Harmony, has been an amazing mentor. I had the chance to work closely with him, first as his Executive Assistant and then as Ops Manager. His guidance has been a huge part of my professional growth.

He taught me to have the confidence to embrace my unique perspective and always encouraged me to “lean into my weird.” This advice has been so valuable as I’ve found my way in the entrepreneurial world. On top of that, he provided practical tools and connected me with some influential people. His mentorship played a big role in building the foundation of ProResourceCentral.

Just for fun, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Malaga ice cream is my absolute favourite. The rich vanilla base combined with the plump, sweet raisins soaked in Malaga wine is a match made in dessert heaven.


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