Sean Aloise serves as the Associate Director for Administration & Communications within the Facilities Services department at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). With a career spanning over fifteen years at UCSF, Sean has played a pivotal role in advancing the university’s facilities management through strategic communication and innovative solutions. A native of Daly City, California, Sean’s early interest in effective communication and organizational efficiency has been a driving force throughout his professional journey.

In his various roles at UCSF, including Communications Coordinator and Communications and Special Projects Manager, Sean has consistently demonstrated a keen ability to streamline operations and enhance organizational performance. One of his notable contributions is the creation and leadership of the Lab Services Initiative, a program designed to minimize equipment downtime and improve the reliability of lab services, which has been crucial in supporting the university’s research efforts.

Sean is widely recognized for his strategic thinking, leadership, and dedication to continuous professional development. He actively engages in industry conferences and training sessions, ensuring that he stays current with emerging trends and best practices in facilities management and communications. His approach to leadership emphasizes collaboration, clear communication, and fostering a positive work environment, qualities that have earned him multiple accolades at UCSF.

Throughout his career, Sean has remained committed to driving organizational success by leveraging his expertise in communication and facilities management. His work at UCSF stands as a testament to his ability to lead complex projects, inspire teams, and contribute to the university’s mission with unwavering dedication.

What motivates you when things get tough?

When things get tough, what really motivates me is knowing the impact my work has on others. At UCSF, the work we do in Facilities Services directly supports critical research and the well-being of everyone on campus. Thinking about the bigger picture—how our efforts contribute to advancements in healthcare or provide a safe environment for students and staff—keeps me going. I’m also motivated by the sense of responsibility I feel toward my team. When the going gets tough, I know they’re looking to me for guidance, and that drives me to push through challenges. Finally, I remind myself that tough times are temporary, and overcoming them often leads to growth and better solutions in the long run.

Tell us 3 surprisingly easy and 3 surprisingly difficult things about your job.

Surprisingly easy:

  1. Building relationships: I find it easy to connect with people across departments. It comes naturally to me, and it’s a crucial part of getting things done in a large organization.
  2. Organizing projects: Planning and organizing projects is something I’ve always enjoyed. Breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps is second nature to me.
  3. Adapting to new technology: I’ve always been curious about new tools and systems, so learning and integrating new technology into our operations is something I handle with ease.

Surprisingly difficult:

  1. Balancing multiple priorities: With so many responsibilities, it can be challenging to balance urgent tasks with long-term projects. Prioritizing effectively is an ongoing challenge.
  2. Navigating bureaucracy: Large organizations often have layers of bureaucracy that can slow down progress. It requires patience and persistence to navigate these hurdles.
  3. Managing time for deep work: Finding uninterrupted time to focus on strategic planning or creative problem-solving can be difficult amid the day-to-day demands of the job.

What are the 3 things you like best about your work and why?

  1. The impact we make: Knowing that our work directly supports important research and the safety of the campus community is incredibly rewarding. It gives me a strong sense of purpose.
  2. The variety: No two days are the same, and I enjoy the diversity of tasks and challenges that come with my role. It keeps me engaged and constantly learning.
  3. The people: I work with a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about what they do. Collaborating with such talented individuals is both inspiring and fulfilling.

What are the three things you need in work to achieve purpose? Why are they important to you?

  1. Clear goals: Having clear, achievable goals is essential for staying focused and motivated. It’s important to know what we’re working toward and how our efforts contribute to the larger mission.
  2. Collaboration: Working with others to solve problems and achieve common goals is crucial. Collaboration brings diverse perspectives and ideas, leading to better outcomes.
  3. Continuous learning: To achieve purpose, I need to keep growing and improving. Continuous learning helps me stay relevant and effective in my role, which in turn helps me contribute more effectively to the organization.

Tell us about a time where you saw a surprising outcome that you did not expect.

A few years ago, we launched a communication campaign aimed at increasing employee engagement. We expected modest improvements, but the response was overwhelmingly positive. Employees across the campus began actively participating in initiatives, sharing feedback, and even suggesting new ideas. The level of enthusiasm was surprising, and it taught me the power of effective communication and listening to your audience. It reinforced the importance of giving people a voice and making them feel valued. This experience has shaped the way I approach communication strategies, emphasizing the need to engage and empower people.

How do you get yourself out of a funk?

When I find myself in a funk, I like to take a step back and disconnect for a bit. A walk outside, especially in a nearby park, helps clear my mind and gives me a fresh perspective. I also find it helpful to talk things out with a trusted colleague or friend. Sometimes just expressing what’s bothering me helps me see the situation in a new light. I’ll also review my accomplishments to remind myself of what I’ve achieved and refocus on the positives. Once I’ve cleared my mind, I can usually get back on track with renewed energy and focus.

What is a habit you try to stick to and how has it helped you?

One habit I try to stick to is planning my day the night before. Before I leave work or before I go to bed, I take a few minutes to review what’s on my schedule for the next day and prioritize my tasks. This helps me start the day with a clear plan and reduces the stress of figuring out what needs to be done first thing in the morning. It also allows me to mentally prepare for any meetings or important tasks. This habit has significantly improved my productivity and keeps me organized.

How do you celebrate your victories?

I believe in celebrating both big and small victories. For major accomplishments, I like to involve the whole team, whether it’s through a team lunch or an acknowledgment in a meeting. It’s important to recognize the hard work and contributions of everyone involved. For personal victories, I might treat myself to a nice dinner or take a day off to relax and recharge. I also believe in reflecting on what made the victory possible, so I can replicate that success in the future. Celebrating victories helps maintain morale and motivates me to keep pushing forward.

Who is your favorite motivational speaker and why?

One content creator I really admire is Ali Abdaal. His approach to productivity and personal development resonates with me, particularly his emphasis on living a meaningful and intentional life. Ali’s videos break down complex ideas into practical, easy-to-understand tips that anyone can apply to their daily routine. His focus on balancing work, health, and relationships has influenced how I manage my own time and goals. I appreciate how he blends evidence-based strategies with personal anecdotes, making his content both relatable and actionable.

What advice would you give to your younger self and why?

The advice I would give to my younger self is to take things slower and not rush through life. Early in my career, I was always eager to move on to the next project or challenge, but I’ve learned that taking the time to fully understand a situation and appreciate the experiences along the way leads to better outcomes. I would also tell myself to embrace every opportunity, even if it doesn’t seem directly related to your goals at the time. You never know how these experiences will shape your future and contribute to your growth.

Are you willing to be a mentor? If yes, what is the best way to reach you?

Yes, I’m absolutely willing to be a mentor. I believe that mentoring is a great way to share knowledge and help others grow in their careers. It’s also a valuable learning experience for me, as I get to see things from a fresh perspective. The best way to reach me is through email, where we can set up a time to talk. I’m open to discussing career goals, challenges, and anything else that might help someone on their professional journey.

Just for fun, what is your favorite food?

My favorite food has to be a well-made pizza. There’s something comforting and satisfying about a perfectly baked pizza with just the right balance of toppings. Whether it’s a classic Margherita or something more adventurous like a spicy pepperoni and jalapeño combo, I enjoy the versatility and communal nature of pizza. It’s the kind of food that’s great for sharing with friends and family, which adds to the experience. Plus, it’s always a reliable choice when you’re not sure what to eat!



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