Robert Seropian is a highly experienced financial services professional with over 30 years of expertise in retirement planning and wealth management. Throughout his career, he has been instrumental in overseeing more than $1 billion in retirement planning transactions, reflecting his dedication to helping clients secure their financial futures. His extensive knowledge of secured financial products and investment strategies has made him a trusted advisor for families looking to build generational wealth and achieve long-term stability.

In addition to his work with individual clients, Seropian has guided over 100 businesses through the complex process of going public, offering invaluable financial expertise. He also serves on the boards of several private companies, where his strategic insights drive financial growth and planning.

As the leader of Lifetime Wealth Advisors, Robert Seropian champions an unbiased, client-focused approach to financial planning. His firm’s methodical seven-step process combines qualitative and quantitative analysis to craft personalized strategies tailored to each client’s unique goals. This independence from product commissions ensures that advice is objective, focusing solely on maximizing growth and protecting assets.

Robert Seropian’s commitment to transparency and integrity has positioned him as a trusted partner for individuals and businesses seeking comprehensive financial guidance and long-term success in today’s complex market.

In your extensive career, how have you seen clients’ concerns about market volatility evolve, and what proactive steps can they take to safeguard their retirement funds in uncertain times?

Over the years, market volatility has become a bigger concern for clients, especially as they near retirement. The key to managing this is diversification. We work closely with clients to balance riskier investments with more stable, guaranteed products like self-funded pensions. Our goal is to create a safety net so that, regardless of market conditions, their core financial needs are met. By structuring portfolios with both growth and stability in mind, clients can feel confident that their retirement is protected from economic downturns.

With market fluctuations becoming more frequent, what adjustments have you made in your approach to wealth management to provide clients with both security and growth potential?

With increasing market volatility, we’ve shifted towards more flexible and adaptive financial strategies. Rather than relying solely on traditional stock market investments, we incorporate products like fixed indexed annuities that provide both growth potential and protection against losses. Additionally, we focus on adjusting portfolios based on life stage, ensuring that as clients approach retirement, they are less exposed to market risk. Our tailored, client-centered approach ensures each plan evolves with changing market conditions, providing both security and growth opportunities.

What are the key benefits of your self-funded pension approach, especially for retirees seeking stability in an unpredictable financial landscape?

Self-funded pensions offer retirees a way to secure a guaranteed, steady income for life, without relying on market performance. Unlike traditional investments, which are vulnerable to volatility, these plans ensure financial stability by providing a predictable monthly payment. For retirees, this means peace of mind, knowing that their essential expenses are covered, regardless of what happens in the markets. It’s an ideal solution for those looking to protect their retirement from uncertainty while still having the flexibility to grow other assets.

How do you help clients manage the psychological impact of market downturns while ensuring their long-term financial goals stay on track?

Market downturns can cause a lot of stress, especially for retirees. We help clients stay focused on their long-term goals and remind them that volatility is a normal part of the investment cycle. By ensuring they have a portion of their wealth in guaranteed income streams like self-funded pensions, clients can rest assured that their core financial needs are protected. Regular check-ins and personalized advice keep them calm and confident, helping them avoid emotional decisions that could harm their financial future.

How do you balance traditional retirement strategies with more innovative solutions, like guaranteed income streams, to create a holistic financial plan?

Our approach blends the stability of traditional retirement strategies with innovative solutions like guaranteed income products. Traditional methods, such as 401(k)s or IRAs, provide growth, while self-funded pensions and indexed annuities offer security in volatile markets. This combination allows clients to enjoy the best of both worlds: growth during good times and protection when markets falter. The key is tailoring the strategy to each client’s needs, ensuring they are both secure and able to achieve their financial goals.

In times of economic turbulence, how can individuals approaching retirement make their portfolios more resilient without sacrificing potential growth?

To make portfolios more resilient as clients approach retirement, we reduce exposure to high-risk assets and increase allocations to stable investments like bonds, fixed annuities, or real estate. Adding guaranteed income products like self-funded pensions ensures a steady cash flow that won’t be affected by market downturns. This approach minimizes risk while still allowing for growth, ensuring that clients have the financial security they need to retire comfortably without worrying about market volatility.

What are the most common financial missteps you see clients make during volatile market periods, and how do you guide them back to stability?

A common mistake during volatile periods is panicking and selling off investments at the wrong time. Emotional decisions can lead to missed opportunities for recovery. We guide clients to stay the course by focusing on their long-term plans rather than short-term market swings. Diversification, guaranteed income streams, and disciplined investment strategies are key to riding out volatility. By maintaining a steady hand and adjusting portfolios proactively, we ensure clients remain financially stable through uncertain times.

How does your experience in helping businesses go public influence the way you design personalized wealth-building strategies for individuals?

Helping businesses go public has taught me the importance of strategic financial planning and risk management. I apply this knowledge to individual clients by focusing on diversification, liquidity, and long-term growth. Just as businesses need to manage risk while aiming for growth, individuals must balance security with wealth-building. We develop personalized strategies that mitigate risks while capturing opportunities for sustainable financial growth. My experience with complex financial structures enables me to craft tailored plans that support clients’ wealth-building and retirement goals.

For clients who fear outliving their retirement savings, what strategies do you recommend to ensure they can maintain their lifestyle for the long term?

To ensure clients don’t outlive their savings, we focus on creating guaranteed income streams, such as self-funded pensions, which provide a steady monthly income for life. By combining this with well-diversified investments, we can help clients maintain their lifestyle while preserving their wealth. Additionally, we take inflation and healthcare costs into account, adjusting plans to keep up with changing financial needs. This layered approach provides both stability and flexibility, giving clients confidence that they will be financially secure throughout retirement.


With inflation rising, how can retirees adjust their financial strategies to ensure their purchasing power remains strong throughout their retirement years?

Inflation can erode purchasing power, especially for retirees. To address this, we incorporate inflation-adjusted investments and guarantee a portion of income through products like self-funded pensions. We also recommend delaying Social Security benefits, if possible, to maximize payouts. Additionally, adjusting investment portfolios to include assets like real estate and inflation-protected securities helps preserve value over time. This strategy ensures that retirees maintain their financial security, even as the cost of living increases.


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