Dr. Mohiba Tareen is a nationally recognized board-certified dermatologist and the visionary behind Tareen Dermatology, a practice she founded in 2011 to deliver cutting-edge, compassionate care to her patients. With a background in medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology, and a specialization in Mohs surgery for skin cancer, Dr. Tareen’s approach to dermatology is deeply rooted in both scientific rigor and a genuine commitment to patient well-being. A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Michigan, she has held prestigious positions, contributed to leading medical journals, and is frequently sought after by the media for her expertise.

What inspired you to pursue a career in dermatology, and how has that initial inspiration evolved over time?

Dermatology always fascinated me because of its unique blend of art and science. The skin is a visible reflection of our health, and treating it requires both a precise scientific understanding and an aesthetic eye. Early on, I was drawn to the tangible results dermatology offers—seeing a patient’s confidence soar after a successful treatment is incredibly rewarding. Over time, my inspiration has evolved into a passion for advancing the field, particularly in how we can use technology and research to tailor treatments to individual needs. The ability to combine cutting-edge techniques with compassionate care continues to drive my work every day.

What do you believe sets Tareen Dermatology apart from other practices?

Tareen Dermatology was built on the principle that every patient deserves personalized, attentive care. From the beginning, I wanted to create a practice where patients felt heard and respected, where their treatment plans were customized to their unique needs. Our multidisciplinary approach—combining medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology—allows us to provide comprehensive care under one roof. But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to ongoing education and staying at the forefront of dermatological advancements. We’re constantly evolving, whether it’s through adopting new technologies, expanding our services, or engaging in community outreach. It’s this blend of innovation and empathy that distinguishes us.

How do you balance your demanding career with your personal life, especially as a mother of five?

Balancing a demanding career with motherhood is definitely challenging, but it’s also incredibly fulfilling. I’ve learned that the key is to be fully present in whatever I’m doing at the moment—whether it’s with my patients, my staff, or my family. I set clear boundaries, prioritize my time, and delegate where possible, both at work and at home. Having a supportive partner and a strong team at Tareen Dermatology is crucial. I also make sure to carve out time for self-care, which is essential for maintaining the energy and focus required to manage both roles effectively.

What has been your most significant challenge in building and growing Tareen Dermatology, and how did you overcome it?

One of the most significant challenges was scaling the practice while maintaining the level of personalized care that is our hallmark. As we expanded to multiple locations, it became crucial to ensure that our standards of excellence were upheld across the board. To overcome this, I focused on building a strong leadership team and investing in comprehensive staff training. We implemented standardized protocols while also fostering a culture where each team member is encouraged to bring their own strengths to patient care. This approach has allowed us to grow without compromising the quality and integrity of our services.

Can you share a moment or experience that reaffirmed your commitment to your work?

I remember a patient who came to us after battling severe acne for years. She was in her mid-30s and had tried nearly every treatment available, with little success. The emotional toll was evident—she was incredibly self-conscious and had lost hope that her skin could ever improve. We worked closely with her, tailoring a treatment plan that combined the latest research with a lot of encouragement and support. Over the course of several months, her skin transformed, and so did her confidence. Seeing her smile again, and knowing we played a role in restoring her self-esteem, reaffirmed why I do what I do. It’s moments like these that make all the challenges worth it.

How do you stay current with the latest advancements in dermatology?

Staying current in dermatology is both a responsibility and a passion of mine. I regularly attend professional conferences, engage in continuing medical education, and participate in peer discussions. Reading the latest research papers and being involved in professional networks are also key. But beyond formal education, I believe in learning from my patients as well. Each case presents a unique opportunity to apply new knowledge and refine my approach. This combination of continuous learning and practical application ensures that I’m always providing the best possible care.

What advice would you give to young dermatologists who are just starting their careers?

My advice to young dermatologists is to stay curious and never stop learning. Dermatology is a field that is constantly evolving, and being adaptable is key. Focus on building strong relationships with your patients—listen to their concerns, and always treat them with empathy. Don’t be afraid to seek out mentors who can guide you through the complexities of the profession. And finally, remember that your growth doesn’t end once you’ve completed your training; true mastery comes from a lifelong commitment to learning and improving your craft.

What’s next for Tareen Dermatology? Are there any new initiatives or expansions on the horizon?

We’re always looking to innovate and expand our offerings at Tareen Dermatology. In the near future, we’re planning to introduce new services that leverage the latest in dermatologic technology, including advanced laser treatments and enhanced skin rejuvenation techniques. We’re also exploring ways to expand our educational outreach, both for our patients and the broader community, through workshops and online resources. Additionally, we’re committed to continuing our philanthropic efforts, finding new ways to give back to the communities we serve. It’s an exciting time, and I’m looking forward to seeing how these initiatives will further enhance the care we provide.

How do you define success, both personally and professionally?

For me, success is defined by the impact I have on others. Professionally, it’s about knowing that I’ve made a meaningful difference in my patients’ lives—whether it’s helping someone overcome a skin condition or boosting their confidence through cosmetic treatments. Personally, success is about being present for my family, supporting my children’s growth, and nurturing the relationships that matter most. Ultimately, it’s about living a life of purpose, where I’m contributing to something greater than myself, both in my work and at home.

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