What motivates you when things get tough? Feel free to be detailed and explain why.

When things get tough, what truly motivates me is the way I get to show up in all my communities. Being the founder of The Nova community and participating in a few select others, where I have the permission to be vulnerable and fully myself, is incredibly empowering. It’s in these spaces that I am reminded of my capabilities and potential. The support and reflection I receive from those around me, seeing my true self mirrored back, fuels my resilience and keeps me moving forward. Knowing I’m never alone and how deeply supported I am makes all the difference.

I fully believe that this type of community is a mandatory ingredient for us to truly thrive in life. We must have these spaces of shared vulnerability, collective strength, and mutual encouragement to keep striving, especially on the hardest days. This sense of belonging and the powerful connections we build are essential to continuing our journey and amplifying our impact together.

I’ve worked so hard over the last decade to build this, and it’s priceless. I didn’t always feel safe to show up this way. I had a lot of anxiety and questioned my belongings for years. Creating and nurturing these communities has transformed me, showing me the true power of connection and support. It cultivates a deep sense of belonging and self-trust, the most powerful foundation. This journey has been invaluable, continually motivating me to keep growing and supporting others in their paths.

Tell us 3 surprisingly easy and 3 surprisingly difficult things about your job.

Three Surprisingly Easy Things About My Job:
1. Trusting Myself to Figure It All Out: One of the most surprisingly easy aspects of my job is trusting myself to navigate through challenges and find solutions. Over the years, I’ve developed a deep confidence in my ability to figure things out, no matter how complex they seem.

2. Remarkable Support and Generosity from Every Woman: The unwavering support and generosity from every woman in the community is truly heartwarming. It’s amazing how readily everyone offers help and encouragement, making it easier to move forward with our mission.

3. Having People Resonate with Our Mission: Seeing how deeply people resonate with our mission is incredibly rewarding. It’s surprisingly easy to connect with others when they truly believe in and are inspired by the work we’re doing at The Nova.

Three Surprisingly Difficult Things About My Job:
1. Building the Team and the Amount of Interviews: One of the tougher aspects has been building the right team. The sheer number of interviews and the process of finding the right fit can be exhausting and time-consuming.

2. Upleveling Every Single Area of My Life: Running this type of soul-centered business has pushed me to uplevel every area of my life in ways I never anticipated. It’s a continuous journey of growth and self-improvement that can be both challenging and rewarding.

3. Creating a Feminine Business in a Patriarchal System: Building a business that aligns with feminine values and resists patriarchal, capitalistic norms has been incredibly hard. It requires constant vigilance and dedication to stay true to our vision and not fall into traditional, less holistic ways of operating.

What are the 3 things you like best about your work and why?

Fostering Authentic Connections: One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is creating and nurturing authentic connections within our community. Watching women open up, support each other, and build deep, meaningful relationships is incredibly rewarding.

Witnessing Personal Transformations: I love seeing the personal growth and transformations that occur as women engage with our community. Helping them realize their potential, embrace their true selves, and amplify their impact is a constant source of inspiration.

Aligning with a Purpose-Driven Mission: Knowing that my work is aligned with a purpose-driven mission brings me immense joy. Every day, I get to contribute to something larger than myself, making a positive difference in the lives of others and fostering a supportive, empowering environment for women to thrive.

What are the three things you need in work to achieve purpose? Why are they important to you?

Three Things I Need in Work to Achieve Purpose:
1. Authentic Community:

Why It’s Important: An authentic community is the cornerstone of achieving my purpose. It provides a supportive network where I can be vulnerable, share experiences, and receive genuine feedback. This environment fosters growth, builds trust, and strengthens the collective impact we can make together. Knowing that I am surrounded by like-minded individuals who are committed to their own and each other’s success keeps me motivated and aligned with my mission.

2. Continuous Personal Growth:

Why It’s Important: Continuous personal growth is essential for staying true to my purpose. It pushes me to constantly evolve, learn new skills, and improve in all areas of my life. This commitment to self-improvement not only enhances my ability to lead and inspire others but also ensures that I am living authentically and setting a positive example for those in my community. Personal growth is the foundation of resilience, innovation, and sustained impact.

3. Alignment with Core Values and Human Design:

Why It’s Important: Working in alignment with my core values and living according to my Human Design is crucial for maintaining integrity and purpose in my work. It ensures that every decision and action I take is congruent with the principles I believe in, such as authenticity, empowerment, and holistic well-being. This alignment fosters a sense of fulfillment and drives me to create a positive impact that resonates with others. Understanding and following my Human Design helps me navigate my path with greater ease and authenticity, allowing me to use my unique strengths effectively. It also helps attract people and opportunities that share the same values, further amplifying our collective mission.

Tell us about a time where you saw a surprising outcome that you did not expect.

A Surprising Outcome I Didn’t Expect:
One surprising outcome I didn’t expect was the profound impact our community would have on my own personal growth and transformation. While my intention was to create a space for women to connect, support each other, and amplify their impact, I didn’t anticipate how much I would also evolve through this journey. Being part of such an authentic and empowering network has challenged me to confront my own limitations, embrace vulnerability, and grow in ways I never imagined. This reciprocal process of giving and receiving support has been one of the most enriching aspects of my work, deepening my understanding of the power of community and the endless possibilities for personal and collective transformation.

What is the biggest challenge you face each day and how do you handle it?

The Biggest Challenge I Face Each Day and How I Handle It:
The biggest challenge I face each day is balancing the diverse demands of leading The Nova while ensuring I stay true to my own well-being and purpose. Juggling the responsibilities of strategic planning, community engagement, and personal growth can be overwhelming.

How I Handle It:

Prioritization: Each morning, I start by prioritizing my tasks based on their importance and urgency. This helps me focus on what truly matters and ensures that I allocate time and energy to the most impactful activities.

Delegation: I’ve learned to delegate tasks to my capable team members, trusting them to handle responsibilities that don’t require my direct involvement. This not only lightens my load but also empowers my team and fosters a collaborative environment.

Self-Care: I make self-care a non-negotiable part of my routine. Whether it’s taking short breaks, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that recharge me, these practices help me maintain my energy and resilience.

Community Support: Leaning on the incredible support from the Nova community and other networks I’m part of has been invaluable. These connections provide encouragement, perspective, and practical assistance, reminding me that I’m not alone in this journey.

Alignment with Core Values and Human Design: Staying aligned with my core values and living according to my Human Design guide my decisions and actions. This alignment keeps me grounded and ensures that I’m moving in a direction that resonates with my true self.

What is a habit you try to stick to and how has it helped you?

A habit I try to stick to is daily reflection and intention setting. Each morning, I take a few minutes to reflect on my goals, journal my thoughts, and set clear intentions for the day. This practice has provided me with clarity and focus, allowing me to prioritize tasks that align with my values and goals. It has increased my productivity, managed stress, and enhanced my self-awareness. By consistently aligning my actions with my purpose, this habit helps me navigate the demands of leadership while maintaining emotional balance and a sense of direction.

What achievement are you the proudest of and why?

The achievement I am most proud of is having the courage to start and go all in on my dream. Taking that leap of faith to build The Nova community required immense bravery and determination. It wasn’t just about launching a business; it was about committing to a vision of creating a supportive and empowering space for women. This journey has been challenging and transformative, and seeing the impact we’ve made together makes all the hard work and risk worth it. I’m proud of my ability to trust myself, embrace vulnerability, and pursue my passion with unwavering dedication.

What is your favorite movie and why?

My favorite movie is “Under the Tuscan Sun.” I love this film because it beautifully portrays the journey of self-discovery, resilience, and reinvention. The story of a woman who rebuilds her life in a new place, overcoming heartache and embracing new opportunities, resonates deeply with me. It’s a reminder that even in the face of unexpected challenges, we can find joy, purpose, and a sense of belonging by trusting the journey and being open to the possibilities life offers. Plus, the stunning Tuscan scenery and the emphasis on community and connection make it a truly uplifting and inspiring film.

What advice would you give to your younger self and why?

If I could give my younger self advice, it would be to remember that you do belong, and belonging to yourself is the most important thing. You have always been brave, taking big risks and going after your dreams, even when they seemed daunting or unconventional. Trust in your unique journey and embrace vulnerability. You were never supposed to exist in a black-and-white world or fit into anyone’s boxes. That never meant anything was wrong with you. Be kind to yourself, stay true to your values, and believe in your ability to create a life filled with purpose and joy. Knowing that you belong and being true to yourself will help you navigate your path with confidence and self-compassion.

Who has been your biggest mentor in life (personal or professional) and how have they helped you?

My biggest mentor was my high school travel softball coach, Mr. Beckham. He was a remarkable example of working hard and playing hard, and he always let me be myself. Mr. Beckham took us on incredible trips while we played softball and showed us how to have a great time, blending dedication with enjoyment. His influence extended beyond the field, as he’s the reason I moved to Colorado, having grown up in Ohio, due to a tournament we played here when I was 16. His mentorship taught me the importance of balancing commitment with fun, and his encouragement to embrace my authentic self has stayed with me throughout my life.

Just for fun, what is your favorite ice cream flavor?

My favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream. I love the perfect blend of creamy vanilla ice cream with chunks of chocolate cookies. It’s not just delicious but also brings back fond memories of my childhood, making it a nostalgic treat that always makes me smile.

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