Mark Polelle is a blockchain technology expert who lives in Oakland, California. He mostly works with start-up companies that need help with web development. After more than 10 years in the field, he has established quite a reputation for himself.
Polelle grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. Although he enjoyed his education and early beginnings, his passion for technology pulled him towards the West Coast. Having always been interested in math and the IT sector, it did not take too long for him to get intrigued by the latest developments in the cryptocurrency world backed by the blockchain inventions.
Nowadays, Mark Polelle mostly works with smaller businesses that have just been established. His services enable entrepreneurs to meet their revenue projects as he implements some of the most advanced programs to attract and maintain customers. Besides being capable to create an entire framework, Polelle is also known as a knowledgeable consultant. Many of his buyers turn into long-term clients who use him as an on-the-go adviser for their IT endeavors.
Polelle attributes his relocation to Oakland to the fact that the online development community has found its home there. Staying close to one of the main epicenters of the blockchain technology enables him to be up-to-date with his expertise. This is a rather necessary requirement in his line of work as any obsolete methods may cost his clients a fortune. Nevertheless, countless projects that have been finalized successfully indicate that Polelle is not having any issues with customer retention rates!
How did you get started in this business?
As a part of my IT background, I had to learn some basics of entrepreneurship. Going through my studies and dealing with the business side of things was quite interesting so I decided to look into it more. Next thing I know, I was working on building up businesses myself.
What inspired you to start this business?
A pure passion for technology. When I was first given a chance to play on a computer as a kid, it was the best toy I could imagine. I have not really changed ever since. I still cheer up when I know that there is work to be done because it will take me back to software.
How do you make money?
By providing high-quality service. My clients know what they are paying for so I do my best to meet their expectations. Main aspects of my job deal with framework development, software optimization, online campaigns, and more.
How long did it take for you to become profitable?
It was not until the second year of my blockchain career that I started doing more than just breaking even. It takes a while to establish a name in such a volatile industry. Nevertheless, it did not bother me too much since I enjoy doing what I do.
When you were starting out, was there ever a time you doubted it would work? If so, how did you handle that?
Oh absolutely. I still have moments when I sit down and ask myself if I have bitten more than I can chew. I usually get over it by prioritizing the foremost obligations and then dealing with them thoroughly.
How did you get your first customer?
It was a friend of a friend. Some of my buddies back in Atlanta went into the same field and that helped me enormously. When I first came to Oakland, I did not know anyone who was in this industry. Luckily, one of those friends referred me to his previous customer from California and we started working together.
What is one marketing strategy (other than referrals) that you’re using that works really well to generate new business?
Online advertising. I think the next big step for marketing is going to internet-related. I mean, with so many people who have access, it seems to be the easiest route.
What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make in the last few months?
Having to decline a couple of projects that I knew I would have enjoyed. The downside of long-term business relationship is that I tend to be unable to take new clients.
What do you think it is that makes you successful?
Not being afraid to work. I know everyone who works might look at me and assume that I am crazy, but I think the hours I put in are directly proportional to my success. It would probably be impossible to even count all the times when I had to do unimaginably long work weeks just to meet deadlines.
What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Having all of my available openings filled up. After starting slow, the day when I finally ran out of time periods to fill with new clients was my most glorious moment.
What does the future hold for your business?
Steady growth. I am looking into potential expansion and that will require me to hire more people. Being a leader is something I enjoy as I am very close to everyone on my team.
What are you most excited about?
The way that blockchain technology is taking over. I recently read how even the most powerful militaries around the world could benefit from it. I did not expect such a trend and it is very exciting indeed.
What business books have inspired you?
True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership by Bill George. It really thought me some great thinks about authority and leading by example.
What is a recent purchase you have made that’s helped with your business?
Believe it or not, printers. I have finally switched from one giant office printer to smaller ones that are now accessible at every desk. It has increased productivity beyond belief.
How do you feel about the upgrades in the world of artificial intelligence?
I love it. It is not exactly my field of expertise yet I understand it to an extent. I enjoy seeing people advance technology and artificial intelligence is a prime example of modernization.