What made you want to do the work you do? Please share the full story.

Kale -I was born with a stutter, so that made everything to do with books very hard for me. It was through a series of events, however, that I felt like God showed me that writing was what I was supposed to do. I write for kids like me who face struggles to show them that they were made on purpose for a purpose, and God can take your greatest insecurities and make them your greatest triumphs.

Allie – Starting from a young age with learning sign language I knew the importance of impacting a life with the voice and capabilities I had. In middle school I personally experienced what it felt like to feel “different.” Instead of seeing the positive in being different I was young and only saw the negative. Making it to high school and gaining my voice in pageantry I knew things had to change. I was now confident in who I was as a person and turned that into my work and community service initiative through my pageantry. Now with the new title of Miss Ohio’s Teen I have a megaphone of a voice to spread all over the state of Ohio. When being different, you are still loved and valued, no matter your capabilities. With my personal experience I can make a difference and touch a life.

Tell us 3 surprisingly easy and 3 surprisingly difficult things about your business.

One surprisingly easy thing about our business is working together since we’re both local. We don’t have to drive far to reach each other, and it is easy to have discussions about important issues. Another easy thing is getting publicity through podcasts and interviews. These are truly great tools for getting the word out and we’re grateful for every opportunity to utilize these tools. Another thing that has become easier with practice is getting our message across and telling our story about why we do what we do. Some things that are difficult about our work is that we are both super busy with different things we are involved in. We also could use more funding since we are both young, more money would help us to be able to establish more fundraisers and make a bigger impact. Lastly, we’re still both learning and teaching ourselves how to work together in the best way we can.

What are the 3 things you like best about your work and why?

One thing that we like best about our work is that we have similar values and can therfore remain on the same page about a lot of important things. Another thing that we like best about our work is that we have the same end-goal of changing lives for the better. One last thing that we like best about our work is that we know we’ll get to see hard work pay off if we work at it.

What are your greatest 3 skills and how have they helped you succeed?

Three of our greatest skills that have helped us succeed are communication, having a positive mindset, and our good work ethics. Good communication when sharing our stories with others has been a tremendous asset to us. Having a positive mindset is something that can get you through even the toughest times, so we believe this will serve us well in the future. Lastly, you won’t accomplish much in life if you don’t have a work ethic to drive you forward. We are confident in our ability to stay motivated and work towards our goals.

Tell us about a time you were dead wrong about something.

Allie – A time I was dead wrong about something was when I thought I couldn’t be successful in pageants just by showing my true self. From a young age I always had the misconception that I had to live up to others’ expectations to be successful. By being fully myself in both of my pageants, I knew I was wrong.

Kale – A time that I was dead wrong about something was my definition of success when I first became an author. I thought success was determined by how many people I sold books to and how much money I made from selling my books. After and incredible encounter with a twelve-year-old girl with special needs, I came to realize that success is bringing hope to someone in their hour of need. If I reach just one person with my stories, then I will have succeeded.

What is the biggest challenge you face each day and how do you handle it?

Allie – The biggest challenge I face each day is at times being motivated. I have a lot going on each day so when something is off or happens, its hard to stray that away from my work. If I have appearances it’s almost like putting up a front in front of people when I have a lot of stress behind the scenes.

Kale – The biggest challenge that I face each day is staying organized and managing time well. My days are filled with work, school, promotional events, exercising, and trying to make progress on the projects I am currently working on. With so much going on, I have to be able to remain calm and accomplish one task at a time.

What is a habit you try to stick to and how has it helped you?

Our best habit in interviews and podcasts is to be vulnerable and honest with the audience rather than trying to look like something you’re not.

What achievement are you the proudest of and why?

Allie – My proudest achievement is winning the title of Miss Ohio’s Teen. This has given me the opportunity to spread my values and initiative Be Real Not Perfect across the state of Ohio.

Kale – My greatest achievement was definitely getting my books published. I never thought I could get one book published, let alone three, so this has been an incredible experience where something I was very insecure about became the thing that I am most proud of.

Who is your favorite motivational speaker and why?

Allie – My favorite motivational speaker is Sadie Robertson. Sadie is a Christian speaker, and I find that a lot of her morals and values align with mine, making her someone I look up to.

Kale – My favorite motivational speaker is Tim Tebow. I like him because he was a great football player who chose to stand by his beliefs in God even when he was in a sport that sometimes looked down upon Christian ideals. He never cared what others thought of him, and he now spends his time advocating for those with disabilities.

What advice would you give to your younger self and why?

Allie – Advice I would give to my younger self would be to always be myself no matter who I have surrounding me. Being confident in being different is what I wish I would’ve learned earlier.

Kale – Advice that I would give my younger self would be to only try to be what God has called me to be. I have had a lot of people in my life try to tell me who I am and what I’m meant to do. However, it is really only the creator who knows what the creation’s true purpose is, and if I hadn’t listened to what He wanted me to do, then my life would feel very empty right now.

Who has been your biggest mentor in life (personal or professional) and how have they helped you?

Allie – My biggest mentor is my dad. He has always pushed me to be the best version of myself and has instilled morals and values in me that have shaped me into who I am.

Kale -My biggest mentors in my life are definitely my parents. I was blessed with faith-filled parents who pushed me to follow God and His plan for my life. My dad instilled in me a strong work ethic, and my mom taught me that if you put good out into the world, good will come back to you.

Just for fun, what is your favorite food?

Allie – My favorite food is any kind of bread.

Kale – I love almost any kind of seafood.

Connect With Kale Sudhoff and Allie Gray: